News - Thu 15th Mar 2018 - Anti-Doping Controls at Skyline Scotland 2018 - Salomon Skyline Scotland

Anti-Doping Controls at Skyline Scotland 2018

15th Mar 2018


As part of our long-term partnership with Salomon, we share both a vision of a sport that is not tarnished by doping, and one in which the long-term health of athletes is protected: In 2018, we are including the Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™ in the QUARTZ Program.

In addition, working closely with the governing body of Skyrunning, the International Skyrunning Federation, and UK Anti-Doping we will be providing World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) compliant anti-doping testing at Skyline Scotland™ in 2018. All podium placed athletes at the event can expect to be tested by UK Anti-Doping, and that there may also be randomised testing of any event participant.

Elite athletes at Skyline Scotland™ 2018 must note that no prize money will be released until a negative doping control test has been received, and that this confirmation typically takes three weeks.




What is the QUARTZ Program

Initially, the QUARTZ Program was only for top elite runners according to their ITRA ranking. Today the QUARTZ Program is open to all runners. There are two ways to participate in the QUARTZ Program, by joining QUARTZ Elite or QUARTZ Regular

The QUARTZ Program does not replace anti-doping controls but aims to strengthen the medical supervision before and during the competition. QUARTZ Program is carried out in collaboration with the International Trail Running Association (ITRA), Athletes For Transparency association (AFT) and Ultra Sports Science Foundation (USS); it is managed by a Health Commission solely composed of doctors. This Health Commission can take advice from experts of its choice and specifically give a consultative advice to the Race Director on the medical condition of participants. This Health Commission can go as far as to suggest to the Race Director that a participant should be excluded from competition for health reasons.


QUARTZ Elite at the Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™

Participation in the QUARTZ Elite is voluntary, but both Salomon and Ourea Events (the organiser of Skyline Scotland™) will not pay any prize money to elite athletes participating in the Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™ who, after being invited to participate in the QUARTZ Elite Program, refuse to do so.

Elite athletes invited to the QUARTZ Elite Program must agree to:

1. Declare to the Health Commission the following medical information:
•    Any medical history and/or pathology, in particular those which may increase risks during the practice of a sport
•    The use of regular treatments or medication during the 30 days prior to the start of the competition
•    Request or use of a substance or method subject to a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)

2. Provide all urinary and/or blood and/or hair and/or saliva samples required from 30 days before the competition and up to 7 days after the competition. He/she also consents to the associated analysis of these samples, on the understanding that the costs for the sampling and analyses are covered directly by the Organization.
3. Accept not to participate in the competition if glucocorticoids have been used, without any relation to the mode of administration and therefore the presence or not of a TUE, within the 7 days before the start of the competition. The use of glucocorticoids may be identified in the context of the analysis carried out, either from a direct dosage or in the case of an abnormally low cortisol.

4. Accept to answer any meeting request on site or remotely (phone or videoconference) that the Health Commission may ask for in order to discuss their ability, or not, to participate in the competition.

5. Accept the use of strictly anonymous data for research purposes. Each participant has a right of access, rectification and opposition to data concerning him/her. The Health Commission is the authority with which the participant can exercise this right.

The declaration of medical information to the Health Commission is done through the ITRA health space that each participant can activate after having created a free runner account on the ITRA website. The declared medical information is only accessible by the doctors of the Health Commission, or in the event of medical care being carried out during the competition the declared medical information will also be made available to the medical team.

Any unreasonable breach, refusal, or transmission of erroneous information in connection with QUARTZ Event program can result in the exclusion of the participant from the competition.

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