News - Thu 27th Oct 2016 - 2017 Dates Confirmed + New Ultra Race Announced - Salomon Skyline Scotland

2017 Dates Confirmed + New Ultra Race Announced

27th Oct 2016

We're delighted to announce that in 2017 we will be adding a brand new Ultra race to run alongside the established race trio that is the Salomon Mamores VK™, Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™ and Salomon Glen Coe Skyline™.

We can also confirm that the next Skyline Scotland weekend of races will be held on Friday 15th – Sunday 17th September 2017

Stephanie Provan

A brilliant result for Stephanie Provan (pictured) who finished 2nd at the 2016 Salomon Mamores VK™ ©


The new Ultra race will end at Kinlochleven after following a linear route from a distant starting location. The course will weave through remote glens, cross high mountain passes and truly embrace the superb wilderness on offer in the Scottish Highlands. It will be comparable to any of the world’s top ultra races, but it will not feature technical ground (such as that featured in the Salomon Glen Coe Skyline™), and entries will not be vetted. 

The new Ultra race will dovetail into the event weekend with start and finish times overlapping with other Skyline Scotland races. We will announce details of the course later this year. 

At this stage there will be no changes to the courses for our three established races; the Salomon Mamores VK™, Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™ and Salomon Glen Coe Skyline™.


The Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace 2016 - a race worth smiling about ©Jordi Saragossa

The Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace 2016 - a race worth smiling about ©Jordi Saragossa


Entries will open at 10:00 GMT on Monday 9th January 2017

Salomon Mamores VK™ - Friday 15th September 2017

Entries open: 10:00 GMT Monday 9th January
Entry system: First come, first served - not vetted

New Ultra Race - T.B.C start ~15th-16th September

Entries open: 10:00 GMT Monday 9th January
Entry system: First come, first served - not vetted

Salomon Ring of Steall Skyrace™ - Saturday 16th September 2017

Entries open: 10:00 GMT Monday 9th January
Entry system: First come, first served - not vetted

Salomon Glen Coe Skyline™ - Sunday 17th September 2017

Entries open: 10:00 GMT Monday 9th January
Entry system: Entry by vetted ballot. Entries remain open until 31st January 2017

To clarify the entry system for the Salomon Glen Coe Skyline™; entries will open at 10:00 GMT Monday 9th January, and will remain open until midnight Tuesday 31st January 2017. Potential competitors can enter at time during this period. Once the entries close, the applications will be carefully vetted and added to a ballot if vetting is passed. The ballot will be announced Monday 13th February 2017. 

Potential competitors whose applications did not pass the vetting process will also be informed (privately – by email) beginning Monday 13th February 2017.

It will be very important for potential competitors to complete the application form thoroughly when applying for an entry, as there will be no second chances to add information or clarify experience once the entries close. We anticipate the same limited number of 300 entries for this race as in 2016.



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